1. Kindle. I got mine last Black Friday but am just starting to really use it now. I love the lightweight-ness and the convenience. It fits in my purse perfectly, and I can read on it whenever I have a few minutes here and there. I like the particular one I have - it's white! With a happy orange ten-dollar case!
2. White Collar. My friends Cyn and Ada recommended it, and we usually have similar TV show/movie tastes, so I decided to give it a try. It's smart and funny, and it certainly doesn't hurt that Matthew Bomer is cute! Fellow Netflix'ers can find it on the instant watch list.
3. I recently came across the works of Laura Vanderkam, in particular, her article on "What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast." I was never a morning person. If it wasn't for work and if H and I were left to ourselves, I think we would stay up until the wee morning hours. But I can totally see her point on how mornings, by yourself, can be productive. I shared it with H and now we are considering getting up even earlier. (We already get up at 6am. Okay, maybe 6:30... I love my snooze button.)
4. A Cup of Jo, one of my favorite blogs. Joanna used to write for Glamour and Conde Nast Traveler, so you can imagine how cool her blog will be. She's also a super mom. I want to be just like her!
5. Gotye - Somebody I Used to Know
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